The media are the message. That’s also true this week of the Feast of All Saints. So, a central (and therefore philosophical!) question is,
What are the means-by-which people join the Communion of Saints in Heaven?
As I wrote last week, our answer in the Lutheran church is to preach and teach the biblical doctrine of universal justification, the Gospel promise that comes from God Himself in Christ alone to us via Scripture alone and is a matter of faith alone.
In our current series about developing a Lutheran philosophy of education, this leads to a major concern, namely …
what happens if the Lutheran schools in the Lutheran church do not use the means of grace,
the biblical text and the biblical sacraments, as the means-by-which they do education?
My response in Part 3 of “The Means by Which We Teach and Learn: Toward a 21st-century Lutheran Philosophy of Education” is that so-called “Lutheran higher education” that substitutes Wokeism and Social Justice for Christ and His Word is not Lutheran education.
In fact, I explain that it is not even education.
After all, that’s exactly the message of biblical chapters on education: Deuteronomy 6, Psalm 119, and so forth. As Jesus says in John 5, “These are the Scriptures that testify of Me, yet you refuse to come to Me for eternal life.”
Part 3 is titled, “The breakings of the fellowship.” Please join the conversation live Wednesday from 7:00-8:00pm (CT), or in spirit by watching the recording of our conversation!
For more, you can go to the Lutheran Philosopher resource page or sign up for our ZOOM conversations here.
BTW, if you haven’t joined me on Facebook, but would like to, I am at Gregory P Schulz, Facebook.