Live Not By Lies
Live Not By Lies

Live Not By Lies

We in the United States should have listened to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Perhaps some of us, by God’s grace, still have ears to hear and the time and determination to read and take our stand in these gray and latter days.

This is the time to take our stand on The Line — just as the 300 Spartans took their stand at the narrow pass of Thermopylae to defend Western culture in its cradle.

Our sons and daughters, our grandsons and granddaughters are at risk. Today. In our schools. In our Lutheran institutions of higher learning. By the Lie of Woke, Social Justice, Cultural Marxism which is opposed to Christ, the One and Only Way, Truth, and Life.

So, let us live not by lies .

Following a series of presentations at Luther Memorial Chapel in Shorewood, Wisconsin — which is on the front lines of our Lutheran Campus Ministry in the Milwaukee area — here is my fourth “Live Not by Lies” presentation for you.

It’s  slightly over one hour long, but filled with references, links, and more of my argument that Wokeism (aka, Social Justice or Cultural Marxism) is educational heresy which is opposed to the Word and divine authority of our Lord Jesus.

It will help to amplify the reason for which I am being kept off campus and out of the classroom for the essay I published 14 months ago (Woke Dysphoria at Concordiamy essay here), which has been endorsed by Pres Harrison, the pastors and laity of the South Wisconsin District in Convention last June, and endorsed by thousands and thousands of university students and alumni, and by parish pastors and folks in the pew, as seen everywhere online and in reporting by The Federalist: 

My friend and brother pastor, Fr Larry Beane (who is also a fellow officer in the US Air Force’s Civil Air Patrol) — I’m retired, Larry is still active (!) — has identified a problem in our dear synod, of which this inexcusable, wretched business of Marxism at our Lutheran colleges and universities is a piece: 

As far as I can tell, neither our Concordia presidents and regents, nor our Concordia University System, nor our District Presidents as a body, have unequivocally and officially repudiated the lies of Wokeism. The longer this toleration and adulterous affair with Woke Social Justice goes on, the harder it is to pray, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Choose this day whom we will serve. The longer this goes on, the more our divine missio dei (John 14:6 and Matthew 28) will be transgendering into a missio mendacium (John 8:44).

Live. Not. By. Lies.


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