Anatomy of an Implosion (Now Available)
Anatomy of an Implosion (Now Available)

Anatomy of an Implosion (Now Available)

Are you anxious heading into the New Year?

This is actually a good, healthy feeling, according to the Lutheran existentialist philosopher-poet Soren Kierkegaard.

Here is a thought from his book The Concept of Anxiety

Every human being must … learn to be anxious in order that he might not perish either by never having been in anxiety or by succumbing to anxiety. Whoever has learned to be anxious in the right way has learnt the ultimate…

Whereas we 21st century believers can be pretty superficial and careless about anxiety–much as we can be thoughtless about sin, fear, and love in the Bible–Kierkegaard pulls us up short and sends us back to our Lord’s Word and our Lutheran Confessions (which also pull us up short and send us back into the Lord’s Word so that we grow in grace and knowledge) so that we live our lives authentically and repentantly in Christ.

Is this kind of Lutheran and profoundly biblical mode of teaching and learning going on in the Lutheran and Christian universities and colleges that we support with our prayers and contributions, with our children and grandchildren?

We confessional Lutherans are anxious indeed about Lutheran higher education right now, even more than we have been in recent decades. If we parents, donors, and supporters are not anxious about Woke Marxism, also known as Social or Racial Justice in our Lutheran universities, we have not been paying attention. In fact, Woke Marxism is the major source of overcoming us with anxiety, restlessness, and dysphoria by dragging us and our loved ones away from Christ the Life.

We at Lutheran Philosopher have produced a way to help. It is a book by one pastor and professor who is being punished for following Scripture and our Formula of Concord by “rejecting and condemning the false dogma” of Woke Marxism.

Please take a few minutes to hear my introduction to Anatomy of an Implosion: One Pastor-Professor’s Diagnosis & Lament at the Mission Drift to Woke Marxism in Lutheran Higher Education.

Anatomy of an Implosion is available nationally and internationally, for example as a paperback book at …

Anatomy of an Implosion, Gregory P. Schulz (

and in a digital format (with a read-aloud feature) at  Anatomy of an Implosion – Kindle edition by Schulz, Gregory P. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @

A portion of the purchase price of every book goes to Luther Classical College in Casper, Wyoming, and to Dr Angus Menuge of Concordia University Wisconsin for his exclusive use in the university’s Philosophy Department.